Course: Advanced Methods of Scanning Electron Microscopy

  • 26.8.2023
  • Kurzy

Date: September, 25-27 2023

Venue: VMCF, Faculty of Science, Charles University Prague

More information and registration


This course is focused on a theoretical and practical introduction to scanning electron microscopy and its biological applications. The programme covers fundamental principles of SEM, current methods of specimen preparation, including cryo approaches, methods of volume SEM like FIB SEMSBF SEM or MAT, and SEM applications in immunolocalization or correlative microscopy. The main goal of the practical part is to familiarise participants with microscope operation, image acquisitiondata processing and useful tricks and tips in sample preparation. The course is limited to 15 participants including both begining and intermediate SEM users. This course is supported by the program for large research infrastructures of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within the project “National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImaging)“.

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